Have you noticed that some of our political leaders are of the “Do as I say not as I do” crowd whereby they officiously pontificate on what we should do in a given situation but, frequently, fail to follow their own edicts.

This has become quite apparent during the COVID-19 crisis which has closed certain establishments such as barber shops as “non-essential” because, well, you just don’t need haircuts.

Unless, of course, you are Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot who, after publicly stating that “Getting your roots done is not essential”,  decreed the closure of all barber and beauty shops all the while defending getting her own haircut as “essential” because, “I’m the public face of the city… (and) I’m on national media, and I am out in the public eye”.

Maybe so, but media-wise, she gave herself a very public black eye.

And then, of course, is our own Governor Inslee who, equally mindful of his public appearance, has recently appeared well trimmed but, when questioned, had his wife step forward and, while brandishing a pair of barber scissors, claimed personal credit for his honor’s freshly shorn appearance.

Unfortunately, she was holding the scissors in an obviously unprofessional manner which drew some 1800 comments noting this fact and suggested that both were fibbing.

What penalty should be exacted from these “well-coiffed” public officials that disobey their own “hair-brained edicts.  And how do you know that they have.

Of course, in this case it’s simple…  if they are coiffed, then cuff them….