Biden sees dead people…

Some of us may remember the movie “The Sixth Sense” which recounted the story of a boy, played by child star Haley Joel Osment, who is haunted by ghosts and claimed he could see and talk to dead people.

Now, not to be out done, our own President Biden has claimed a similar ability.

In a New York fundraiser, Biden related how he discussed the January 2021 Capitol riot with German Chancellor Helmet Kohl.

Of course, this alleged conversation took place four years after Kohl’s death.

And, in a recent G7 gathering, he claimed to have recently chatted with former French President Francois Mitterrand but many will remember that Mitterrand passed away in 1996.

In truth, the often confused and ever-forgetful Biden was referring to Germany’s Angela Merkel and not the deceased Helmet Kohl and to French President Emmanuel Macron instead of the long-dead Mitterrand.

Obviously, President Biden misremembered, a term first seen in the circa 1500 writings of Thomas More, and which he does frequently.

Like when he misremembered, or just plain forgot, the years that he served as vice president or the date that his son died.

But it’s too bad that President Biden cannot actually talk with dead people because it would really help him with his misremembering thing.

Because if he could, he should cease chatting with less-than-effective European politicians but, rather, seek advice from a successful leader.

Perhaps he could arrange a chat with former President Ronald Reagan.

And he should take copious notes.

Dick Pilling

Port Angeles


He can’t, because it ain’t – “State of the Union”

For the past 35 years, nearly every U.S. president has given a State of the Union speech attesting to the fact that the state of our union is strong.

And then provided examples of how strong it is and, unsurprisingly, tried to take some personal credit for this state of strength.

I suspect that President Joe Biden will, in the spirit of past such addresses, make similar assertions, but I am not sure what examples of strength he will be able to cite and seek recognition for.

Maybe he could speak to our booming economy, but he can’t, because it ain’t — unless you favor inflation, now at a 40-year high, and skyrocketing prices.

And it would be great if he could cite how crime has decreased, but he can’t, because it ain’t.

In fact, statistics reflect that crime, particularly violent crime, is spiking in cities across the country.

Perhaps he could point to the U.S. being energy independent, but he can’t, because it ain’t.

Of course, it was for a while until we managed to wreck our fossil fuel industry and become dependent on others.

He could brag about our powerful military, but he can’t, because it ain’t.

Not when an out-gunned, under-manned, ill-equipped army ran us out of Afghanistan.

As a patriotic citizen, I would like to believe that, during Biden’s administration, our country has improved economically, strengthened militarily, and continues to be respected by our friends and feared by our enemies.

But I can’t, because it ain’t.

by Dick Pilling


November 2021

Sometimes, when reviewing Joe Biden’s actions since becoming president, I wonder whether he has the best interests of America at heart.

For instance, his cancellation of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, as well the potential of similar action to pipelines three and five, would seem to undermine our goal of energy independence thereby causing a continuation of our reliance on oil-producing countries that may not be the best of allies.

Biden’s apparent aversion to an energy-independent America reflects in his nomination of Soviet-born Saule Omarova for Treasury Department’s Comptroller of Currency who wants traditional fuel companies to go bankrupt and refers to our banking system as a “quintessential a****** industry” while advocating “the complete migration of demand deposit accounts to the Federal Reserve”.

Not limiting his  antithetical  attentions to the energy industry, he also weakened border security by appointing Alejandro Mayorkas as Homeland Security Secretary and who repeatedly claims that “our borders are not open” even though, under his administration, illegal border crossings are at record highs.

Not forgetting his other questionable appointees like Secretary of State Blinkin who dismissed the idea of Taliban takeover or Treasury Secretary Yellen who would abolish the  Federal Debt Limit  or Attorney-General Garland who would have the FBI investigate protesting PTA parents to name a few.

Remembering a political thriller – The Manchurian Candidate – wherein a sleeper agent, bent upon the destruction of America, nearly became President causes me to wonder if President Biden is a sleeper agent.  Or merely asleep…

Dick Pilling