Predictions fair poorly

For those who follow my scribblings but do not subscribe to Sequim Gazette, this was printed in their 5/20/20 edition… How can pundits be so spectacularly wrong in their predictions and yet continue to be published? Surprisingly enough, they don’t need to be accurate...

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Then But Later…

Sometimes our democrat leaders and/or their appointees forget their past positions, leaving them vulnerable to a game of “Then but Later” outlined as follows: Then: Speaker Pelosi said that there was no reason to stay away from Chinatown due to coronavirus concerns,...

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Media Usually Wrong…

I wonder if our lefty media ever notice that subsequent events often prove that President Trump was right all along.  And they were wrong. For instance, back in January, he initiated restrictions for travelers coming from China and was excoriated as a racist (1) dupe...

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Dems Call for Impeachment…

Can you believe that there is a movement to impeach President Trump?  I mean, how crazy is that? Like, he is presiding over a gangbuster economy and, in fact, during the second quarter of this year, nearly everything that should be up – jobs, job openings, weekly...

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What came first…poverty or democrat leadership?

Lots of people think the question of the ages is “What came first, the Chicken or the Egg?” However, as a conservative, I believe the more appropriate – and timely – question is “What came first… poverty or democrat leadership?” 

A little research discloses that the 10 poorest cities in the union include Detroit, Cleveland, Hartford, Dayton, Rochester, Newark, Jackson, Birmingham, San Bernardino, and Syracuse.

The major distinguishing traits of these unfortunate metropolises are their poverty rates that range from 29% to 39% and unemployment rates ranging from 11% to 22%.

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Heated Discussions…

Have you noticed that there’s a heck of a lot of discussion – argument even – about the difference between Republicans and Democrats?  Fact is, it gets pretty heated at times. Seems that Republicans think democrats are just plain wrong on many issues…  that democrats...

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Republican infiltration…

Looks like a coterie of cunning conservatives infiltrated the Democrat Party and covertly created a liberal message so far to the left that it may well be impossible for most independents – and many Democrats! – to vote against Trump. Pretty darn slick if you ask me…

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The Education Store

My wife and I popped into the education store to shop for our kid’s education and began to browse the offerings on the various shelves.

 “Look Jane”, I said.  “Here is a really great package.  It seems to concentrate on what they call “the Three R’s”.  Real subjects instead of the touchy-feely stuff today.” 

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