Those of a certain age — like old — will remember a TV show called “Dragnet” wherein detective Joe Friday would say, when interviewing a subject, “Just give me the facts.”

Like Joe, I prefer a news article that “Just gives me the facts” because that’s what I need… facts… Because I want an article that makes me think and not one that tells me what to think. One that explores — not ignores — differing viewpoints. “Just give me the facts” and I’ll make up my own mind.

For instance, provide reports about climate change from all perspectives and not just ones railing how it is a threat to all humanity.   If climate change is, in fact, dangerous, I can figure that out by myself.

Some say it is the most serious issue of our time … that it will cause intense heat, droughts, hurricanes, fires, floods, and rising sea levels. But it hasn’t yet! And may not!

For instance, research reflects that today’s temperatures are lower than those of past times ( … present day conditions are not noticeably dryer than years past ( … major hurricanes striking the U.S. have steadily decreased in the past 80 years ( … major forest fires are a fraction of those previously recorded … flooding events and magnitudes are decreasing (

Remember, we’ve a right to our own opinion but not our own facts and, per detective Joe, these are the facts, like ‘em or not.

Oh, and forget your dreams of a seaside home because, darn it, the oceans just ain’t rising that fast (

Dick Pilling