by Dick Pilling | Apr 19, 2020 | Letters to the Editor
Sometimes our democrat leaders and/or their appointees forget their past positions, leaving them vulnerable to a game of “Then but Later” outlined as follows:
Then: Speaker Pelosi said that there was no reason to stay away from Chinatown due to coronavirus concerns, assuring us that “everything is fine here” (1) but, later, claimed that President Trump’s response to the virus was “deadly” and we must “take every precaution”. (2)
Then: Mayor de Blasio said “there’s very little threat here… (it) acts like a common cold or flu. And transmission is not that easy” (3) but later, lamented a death toll of “100,200 people per day…”and “There’s no question the coronavirus is driving it.” (4)
Then, Health Commissioner Barbot tweeted “no reason to change (Lunar New Year) holiday plans because of the coronavirus” (5) yet later, suggests that we “stay away from crowds” and “try to change your hours of commute or work from home”. (6)
Then, Councilman Mark Levine urged constituents to attend the Lunar Parade, saying “if you’re are staying away, you are missing out” (7) but later, called for “temporary interments” for coronavirus victims due to morgues exceeding capacity. (7a)
Then, immunologist Dr Fauci assured us that Coronavirus “was not a major threat” (8) but, later, says US “could have saved lives” had we acted more precipitously. (9)
Then and later is such a fun game! And I look forward to playing it in November when “then” was when the democrats held the house and, “later” was when they didn’t…
- Pelosi then..
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi toured San Francisco’s Chinatown Monday to send a message. She said there’s no reason tourists or locals should be staying away from the area because of coronavirus concerns.
“That’s what we’re trying to do today is to say everything is fine here,” Pelosi said. “Come because precautions have been taken. The city is on top of the situation.”
- Pelosi now..
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has characterized President Donald Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic as “deadly.” “As the president fiddles, people are dying,” Pelosi said. “We just have to take every precaution.”
- De Blasio then …
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and his top health official were telling citizens to take the subway and attend parades months after President Donald Trump restricted travel to coronavirus-plagued China. De Blasio was telling citizens in February and March that the virus was not as widespread as people thought..
- De Blasio now….
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio warned on Wednesday that the city’s actual death toll from the COVID-19 outbreak is much higher than official numbers show because many people die from the illness at home rather than the hospital.
“We’re talking about something like 100, 200 people per day,” he told CNN anchor John Berman. “Think of what this means for the families, think of the pain they’re going through. There’s no question the coronavirus is driving it (the death toll).”
- Barbot then…
As the global outbreak heated up in January, Barbot repeatedly assured New Yorkers their risk was “low,” and to resume normal activities with only basic precautions such as washing hands.
On Feb. 2, with the city’s first suspected coronavirus case under investigation and China’s death toll skyrocketing, Barbot touted upcoming Chinese New Year events where crowds gather shoulder-to-shoulder in city streets.
“As we gear up to celebrate the #LunarNewYear in NYC, I want to assure New Yorkers that there is no reason for anyone to change their holiday plans, avoid the subway, or certain parts of the city because of #coronavirus,” she tweeted.
- Bardot now…
Dr. Barbot offered these tips: Stay away from crowds. Try to change your hours of commute or work from home.
- Levine then…
Then, Councilman Mark Levine urged his constituents to attend the Lunar Parade, saying “ if you’re are staying away, you are missing out”.
City councilman Mark Levine, head of the City Council health committee, attended the Lunar New Year parade on February 9 and urged his constituents to join him.
- (A) Levine now…
With the city under virtual lockdown, hospitals became overloaded with coronavirus patients and healthcare workers were pleading for additional protective gear. In early April, Levine, who had earlier warned of a hyped “coronavirus scare,” wrote on Twitter that the city was preparing to temporarily bury coronavirus victims in city parks if morgues would fill to capacity.
The councilman subsequently attempted to clarify that the measure was considered a “contingency plan,” and that any “temporary interments” would take place on Hart Island in the Bronx.
- Fauci then..
“This is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States should be worried about right now,” Dr. Fauci told Newsmax’s Greg Kelly on January 21.
- Fauci now…
The US “could have saved lives” if it had introduced measures to stop Covid-19 earlier, a top health official says.
“If we had, right from the beginning, shut everything down, it may have been a little bit different,” Dr Anthony Fauci told CNN, but added that making that decision had been complicated.
by Dick Pilling | Apr 9, 2020 | Letters to the Editor
I wonder if our lefty media ever notice that subsequent events often prove that President Trump was right all along. And they were wrong.
For instance, back in January, he initiated restrictions for travelers coming from China and was excoriated as a racist (1) dupe because, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) assumptions, “there was no evidence that humans could transmit the coronavirus”. (2)
Fast forward to March when WHO reversed itself and acknowledged that the COVID-19 was a “pandemic” (3) and when most other developed countries had also instituted Trump-like travel restrictions. (4) Looks like Trump was right. Again…
And for years President Trump has railed against economic dependence on China’s totalitarian regime – much to the dismay of liberals who feared his criticisms would start a ruinous trade war – but it took a global crisis – known affectionately as the “Wuhan Whoopsie” – to highlight this danger (5) (6) . The “Whoopsie” further underscored China’s blatant and callous duplicity in both initially hiding the problem (7) and, later, attempting to place the blame on the United States. (8) Hmm… right again…
It’s as if media simply refuses to notice public opinion as reflected in a recent Gallup poll indicating a 60% approval of Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 situation. Even some 27% of polled democrats agree. (9)
So, the press – myopically mired in attempted “gotcha sessions” – may think that they lead President Trump in the race for public acceptance, it is only because he has lapped the field. Several times…
- The Trump administration on Jan. 31 announced travel restrictions aimed at reducing the number of people coming to the United States from China to flatten the infection curve of the novel coronavirus that emerged out of Wuhan. The reaction from the People’s Republic of China and the American left was immediate: harsh criticism that President Donald Trump was overreacting and that his actions to protect the American public were racist.
- The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year (January 14)when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.
- .
- “We have therefore made the assessment that #COVID19 can be characterized as a pandemic”-@DrTedros #coronavirus
- The United States, however, does stand out among its peer nations in the Group of 20, the world’s financial powers. (The G-20 is composed of 19 countries, including China, and the European Union.)
- Only Italy and Australia preceded the United States in imposing travel restrictions — though they were announced the same day — while India and Indonesia also imposed restrictions effective Feb. 2. Saudi Arabia and Turkey followed within days, as well as South Korea with a ban on travel from Hubei province. Russia imposed a rolling series of bans by Feb. 20 and, as noted, Japan took smaller steps early on but did not have a full ban on foreign nationals until April 3. South Africa on March 18 imposed a ban on foreigners who had visited high-risk countries such as China. Seven G-20 members, including the United Kingdom, Canada and France, took no steps to block travel from China.
- Donald Trump has been insisting for years that our country has been too economically dependent on China, so it is sad that it took a global public health crisis to prove he was right all this time. When he began imposing strategic tariffs on China in response to its long history of abusive trade practices, the liberals all of a sudden became free trade fundamentalists, predicting that this new “trade war” would harm the American economy
- And yet even as the current emergency has proved him right in fundamental ways—about China specifically and foreign policy more generally—many respectable people in the United States are letting their disdain for the president blind them to what is really going on in the world. Far from discrediting Trump’s point of view, the COVID-19 crisis reveals what his strategy asserted: that the world is a competitive arena in which great power rivals like China seek advantage, that the state remains the irreplaceable agent of international power and effective action, that international institutions have limited capacity to transform the behavior and preferences of states.
- The evidence of China’s deliberate cover-up of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan is a matter of public record. In suppressing information about the virus, doing little to contain it, and allowing it to spread unchecked in the crucial early days and weeks, the regime imperiled not only its own country and its own citizens but also the more than 100 nations now facing their own potentially devastating outbreaks. More perniciously, the Chinese government censored and detained those brave doctors and whistleblowers who attempted to sound the alarm and warn their fellow citizens when they understood the gravity of what was to come.
- Some American commentators and Democratic politicians are aghast at Donald Trump and Republicans for referring to the pandemic as the “Wuhan virus” and repeatedly pointing to China as the source of the pandemic. In naming the disease COVID-19, the World Health Organization specifically avoided mentioning Wuhan. Yet in de-emphasizing where the epidemic began (something China has been aggressively pushing for), we run the risk of obscuring Beijing’s role in letting the disease spread beyond its borders.
- As coronavirus cases dwindle in China, and explode across the rest of the world, Beijing is undertaking a campaign to shift blame for the emergence of the disease to a familiar foe — the United States.
- The seemingly coordinated effort to, at minimum, sow doubts about the virus’s origin, and, at its most extreme, to directly accuse the U.S. military of creating and spreading the pathogen, has come from Chinese medical leaders, ambassadors and Foreign Ministry spokespersons — not to mention the hundreds of thousands of comments on Chinese social media echoing the conspiracy theories.
- Trump’s response to the novel coronavirus pandemic may be behind his higher overall approval rating. Americans give the president generally positive reviews for his handling of the situation, with 60% approving and 38% disapproving. Ninety-four percent of Republicans, 60% of independents and 27% of Democrats approve of his response.
by Dick Pilling | Nov 26, 2019 | Letters to the Editor
Did you ever notice that those politicians that are publicly wringing their hands over a lack of affordable housing are the same politicians whose actions created this lack in the first place.
And their creativity continues unabated with their very latest ploy called a “Conservations Futures Fund”(1) whereby they purchase land which is then forever classified as “farmland”, and which cannot ever be used for residential purposes. This action effectively “retires” the land and further exacerbates the housing shortage.
Furthermore, to add insult to injury, they then raise our taxes to obtain the necessary funding since, as we all know – or should know – politicians have no money save what they extort from us taxpayers,
They’re hitting us with a double whammy… they make houses more expensive and they use our money to do it. And we let them, for gosh sakes!
But this is nothing new as our politicians, through intent or ignorance, have been systematically raising housing costs for quite some time.
Yet another one of their favorites is “discovering” a slightly soggy area that, in past, was considered merely a large puddle left over from a rainstorm but is suddenly determined to be an official wetland – replete with boundaries and set-backs – and is now sacrosanct and forever placed in a non-developable status. Bingo, another “retirement”.
Obviously, these politician-driven “retirements” contribute to a scarcity of land and, consequently, housing. Since land “retirements” create these scarcities, maybe we should stop retiring land. Maybe, instead, we should retire some politicians.
by Dick Pilling | Nov 19, 2019 | Letters to the Editor
Hey County Commissioners! What the heck are ya thinking? You gonna’ raise my taxes? To create a “Conservation Futures Fund”? (1) And purchase land to preserve for agricultural purposes. To sustain the nation’s food supply? Really?
Do you not know that in the 1800’s, fully 90% of the population lived and worked on farms but that today, this figure has decreased to about 1% and, therefore, the arable land in Clallam County makes a minimal contribution to our food supply? (2)
A farmer should be allowed to sell his land as he sees fit but don’t use my tax dollars to subsidize him so that he can place his property in a status that is not the highest and best possible use of the land. Which, likely, is not agriculture.
And, incidentally, this plan will further reduce the land available for housing which further increases housing prices thereby placing homeownership further out of reach for many of our citizens and, consequently, further intensifying the homeless problem…
So really, this whole deal is to extort money from me that I really don’t want to give you and that you really don’t need in order to address a farming problem that we really don’t have and thereby further exacerbate the homeless situation that we really do have and, for good measure, add to our budget deficit.
I know that you are trying to do the right thing but, in this case, you are merely trying… Very trying…
- In the 1800s, 90 percent of the population lived on farms; today it is around one percent. Over the same period, farm size has increased, and though the average farm in 1995 was just 469 acres, 20 percent of all farms were over 500 acres.…12389.17139..20454…0.1..0.88.986.14……0….1..gws-wiz…….0i71j33i10.LDe9mR85uAU&ved=0ahUKEwi9irGLhPDlAhWKrJ4KHdk2CrMQ4dUDCAs&uact=5
by Dick Pilling | Oct 11, 2019 | Letters to the Editor
Can you believe that there is a movement to impeach President Trump? I mean, how crazy is that?
Like, he is presiding over a gangbuster economy and, in fact, during the second quarter of this year, nearly everything that should be up – jobs, job openings, weekly earnings, economic growth rate, stock market – is up and nearly everything that should be down – unemployment rate, food stamp recipients, growth of regulatory restrictions – is down.(1) What’s not to love?
But, believe it or not, some Democrats, still steaming over their electoral shellacking of 2016, continue their unceasing efforts to overturn the will of people by any means possible. Except, maybe, the ballot box.
So, after having spent two years and 25 million dollars on the Mueller fiasco – verdict: no conspiracy (2) – they have now seized on a phone call to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy(3) in which President Trump is accused of requesting details regarding then Vice-Presidents Biden’s publicly boasted threat to withhold US military aide to the Ukraine unless a certain state prosecutor was fired. (4)
Trump’s request, incidentally, is totally in accordance with the 1998 US-Ukraine treaty pledging mutual cooperation in investigating criminal matters (5) and well within the conversational bounds of the involved heads of state and hardly an impeachable offense.
But this is just another indication of the desperation democrats are now facing. Because they know that, in the words of Representative Al Green, “If we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected.” (6)
And that’s what they are afraid of… And with good reason…

- Mueller report determines no conspiracy
- Mueller has spent just over $25 million if you include all costs.
- Transcript of Trump Ukraine call
- Joe Biden brags about forcing Ukraine to withhold aid
- Trump’s request for info within the law as instituted under Clinton treaty.
- Al Greens threat to impeach Trump
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