Dems Call for Impeachment…
Can you believe that there is a movement to impeach President Trump? I mean, how crazy is that?
Like, he is presiding over a gangbuster economy and, in fact, during the second quarter of this year, nearly everything that should be up – jobs, job openings, weekly earnings, economic growth rate, stock market – is up and nearly everything that should be down – unemployment rate, food stamp recipients, growth of regulatory restrictions – is down.(1) What’s not to love?
But, believe it or not, some Democrats, still steaming over their electoral shellacking of 2016, continue their unceasing efforts to overturn the will of people by any means possible. Except, maybe, the ballot box.
So, after having spent two years and 25 million dollars on the Mueller fiasco – verdict: no conspiracy (2) – they have now seized on a phone call to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy(3) in which President Trump is accused of requesting details regarding then Vice-Presidents Biden’s publicly boasted threat to withhold US military aide to the Ukraine unless a certain state prosecutor was fired. (4)
Trump’s request, incidentally, is totally in accordance with the 1998 US-Ukraine treaty pledging mutual cooperation in investigating criminal matters (5) and well within the conversational bounds of the involved heads of state and hardly an impeachable offense.
But this is just another indication of the desperation democrats are now facing. Because they know that, in the words of Representative Al Green, “If we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected.” (6)
And that’s what they are afraid of… And with good reason…
- https://www.factcheck.org/2019/07/trumps-numbers-july-2019-update/
- Mueller report determines no conspiracy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mueller_Report
- Mueller has spent just over $25 million if you include all costs. https://www.newsweek.com/how-much-robert-mueller-investigation-cost-report-1372575
- Transcript of Trump Ukraine call https://www.washingtonpost.com/context/official-readout-president-trump-s-july-25-phone-call-with-ukraine-s-volodymyr-zelensky/4b228f51-17e7-45bc-b16c-3b2643f3fbe0/
- Joe Biden brags about forcing Ukraine to withhold aid https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2019/09/27/flashback_2018_joe_biden_brags_at_cfr_meeting_about_withholding_aid_to_ukraine_to_force_firing_of_prosecutor.html
- Trump’s request for info within the law as instituted under Clinton treaty. https://www.congress.gov/treaty-document/106th-congress/16/document-text
- Al Greens threat to impeach Trump https://truthout.org/video/rep-al-green-weve-reached-critical-mass-to-impeach-trump/
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