Not conspiracy but “confused collusion”?
The Mueller report – nearly 2 years in the making and supported by a reported 2800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants and as many witnesses – “did not establish that the Trump campaign conspired with the Russian government”, thereby evoking the weeping and wailing heard from the left.
Since there was no conspiracy – a crime defined as “impairing, obstructing or defeating the lawful function of any department of government” – certain democrats, undeterred in their quest to overturn the 2016 election, have seized on a new word – collusion – which is not a crime. (2A) In fact, per constitutional law professor Michael Ghehardt, “It’s not a technical word. It’s actually used, in part, to almost confuse people”.
Looks like it’s working because the easily confused Representative Nadler now insists that “there was in plain sight open collusion with the Russians” and the similarly confused House Intelligence Committee Chairman Schiff has spotted “ample evidence of collusion in plain sight.”
Joining the “collusion confused” are presidential wannabes Eric Swalwell, Beto O’Rourke, and Elizabeth Warren, nearly 3 quarters of the Black Congressional Caucus, Maxine (Impeach 45) Watters and Rashida Tlaib, and, of course, the voices of MSNBC, CNN, CBS, as well as the editorial staffs of most newspapers.
Are these truly rational people? That they would attempt to impeach Trump for a non-crime? What are they afraid of?
Why not just wait for the next election and let the voters decide?
Unless the voters are what they are afraid of…
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